Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What? Two Days in a Row? Obviously I am lulling you into a renewed sense of blog security only so that when I inevitably fall back on my lackadaisical blogging ways your heart will be crushed all the more heavily.

After writing that title, filling in this box seems a bit redundant.

But I will do it anyway!

Today is Wednesday and technically I could go home from school right now but because I am AWESOME, I am staying til the end of class time to run a center for the late friends.  I will pretend like I am only doing it as a sacrifice to prove my everlasting love for my dear mother, but really it's because I had so much fun running this center this morning with the early group.  It was like a 1.5 hour hang out party time with my 5 year old homies. Mostly cuz all I have to do is give them their paper to finish coloring the project they started yesterday, and then I just chat at them and tell them how good a job they are doing for the next 10 min. Also this morning I had Mom's camera so I started taking pictures of each kid making a funny face, which is a good way to make both yourself and small children VERY. HAPPY.  It was awesome.  So.  Off to do that for another 1.5 hours.  Gosh life is SO HAAAAAARD amiright?


Celia said...

I am lulled.

Becca said...

don't do it.

the captcha phrase for me is "thins not" and i think blogger is making a fat joke at me.

Katy said...

yeah i trained my captcha to find the deepest fears and insecurities of my commentators and exploit them. it's all part of the service hereabouts.