Monday, March 18, 2013

So here is the February video.  The quality has gone even further down, unforch, because of my total lack of skillz.  Oh well.

So, today I was getting bit by children before 8 am.  Does that seem right to you? His teeth only got as far as my jacket, luckily, but super unluckily I think he managed to jack up my zipper!  For reals, I went to unzip my jacket at the end of the day (because I keep it zipped up like armor all day long!) and some of the teeth were out of alignment, right at little fella's biting altitude.  Bummer!  And all because he is not allowed to climb up and lie down on the cafeteria tables, and I had to be the one to tell him.


Christy said...

Love it. Watched it four times already. LOVE how prominent my babies are because I'm selfish:)But seriously-that "I love you" was the best thing ever.

Karen said...

I've watched it 6--to be sure that I was getting the full joy out of each word/cry/laugh from the kiddos. SO fun!