Tuesday, January 10, 2012

another attempt

So, upon consideration, I realized that my blog this morning was pretty bleak-sauce, amirite? Side bar: every time I say something is _____-sauce (which I swear is only like right there as a joke and then in the earlier post also as a joke...it is not something I just SAY, ok?  Please...please still respect me) it makes me think of the episode of Parks and Rec where April tells Andy she loves him and his response is "awesome sauce" and she's all mad, but by then end she forgives him and he's like, "I love you too--that's what makes the sauce so awesome!"  ...and it is funny.  So.  To sum up: the sauce this morning was pretty bleak, but that is not how I think I want to characterize my life right now, so I am CHANGING MY REALITY.

So I was just over on Goodreads setting my 2012 reading goal--I think I'm going to do the same as last year, which is 150 books (she casually mentioned so that you will be impressed and she can feel good about the one thing she does consistently and well), and they have this screen where you can see all the books you've read in the year, and it is funny to look at 2012 cuz I've read, like, 7 books so far, and the break down is pretty ridiculous: 2 are cheesy vampire novels, 3 are YA fantasy (all by Holly Black, who it turns out is actually a pretty legit author, so these stack up pretty well compared to other YA fantasy types I've been known to read, but still, you know...), 1 is a zombie comic book, and the other is The Capricorn Stone, by the immortal Madeline Brent, over whom I rhapsodized a couple months ago on this here blog. So, anyway....in case you maybe thought that I had a New Year's resolution to only read Great Literature of Recognized Worth and Merit, you should know that you are tragically mistaken.  That's just not how I like to do business.


Becca said...

My library does not have a single Madeleine Brent book. I checked. It is now your duty to buy them for me.

Becca said...

I set my goal at a lowly 80--5 books more than 2011. I'm at 5%. Let the Great Race begin!!!!

Karen said...

Hey, bec--you have to borrow Katy's (shared by me!)because those books are OUT OF PRINT so people think they can charge $45 and such for each one. Not that I paid that much! We got cheap ones here and there.....

Celia said...

I am so jealous of your goodreads number. I fear I shall never read again! (other than the typical Clifford or Curious George book). I also love the Parks and Rec reference :)