Today was a pretty basic day. There was more of the dreaded leather paring going on, so that was rough, but I also tried out some new things, which is to say ONE new thing, which is to say, check out this picture of the graphite edge treatment I tried out!:
First you put the book in a SUPER tight press, then you sand it til it doesn't feel like paper anymore (seriously it feels WEIRD and more like glass or plastic than paper!), then you brush it with really watered down glue, get lots of graphite powder on your fingers, rub it all up in there like dang, and then burnish it to a nice robotic sheen. |
This is the scene of my second leather-paring-stravaganza, where I heard myself mutter aloud "Alright foul demon, prepare to taste my steel" without realizing that that was weird, funny, and totally appropriate. Because you know what? It DID taste my steel. And then it ripped. And then I glued it back together, because it turns out that is possible sometimes. And THEN I decided I was done and that shiz is covering a BOOK tomorrow morning. |
Today I also got to talk to Whitney Bush which is always a distinct pleasure, Becca almost succeeded in getting Ruby to say Hi to me, and I got to tell Lucy "Yo Gabba Gabba AGH!" as is our wont. All in all a good day for communication. I got to come home and have chicken soup for dinner, because my roommate Susan is a delight and made a whole big pot of it yesterday. So, a good day for eating food that isn't Top Ramen! Huzzah! Also it was a good day for cultural education because I came home and sat down with my bowl of microwaved soup and looked for something to watch on TV whilst I ate and ended up watching The Red Shoes on TCM. You guys, you know how ballet is great and all but it might make you throw yourself in front of a train? Yes, well that movie knows that too. It was pretty amazing though. I realized it's been ages since I've watched an Old Movie and I forgot how nice the change of pace is. WOW I am cultured and sophisticated, amiright? Sheesh. I feel like I've been writing 'sheesh' a lot lately, or at least, more than that one time when I just did right there. So like, at least two times in recent history, not counting the second time in this post. Gotta keep track of these things.
Plus we texted--so THAT makes your communication day complete, right? Love the sheen on your paper edges. It looks so polished and sophisticated. Didn't know that you could glue pared leather--so really it is true what I tell the Ks--you can fix anything! BYW, many fun TV shows await your viewing pleasure--and the fact that Vocal Point blew everyone out of the water in some way makes up for Saturday's devastation! They totally marketed as byu boys.
I want to hear Ruby say "hi." That would make any day wonderful. I am glad you were able to chat with Lucy and share a Yo Gabba Gabba moment. Ok, the Red Shoes...umm..that movie is TRAUMATIZING. I watched it with my grandmother forever ago and oh man! Just thinking about it makes my heart ache.
I'm kind of a big deal.
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