You guys today was STUPENDOUS. Slept in, but not so much that I felt bad about it, read some talks on for churchy times, made French toast out of my sourdough wheat bread and it was delicious, went on a 1.5 hour walk along the same trail as yesterday except today the clouds were light and fluffy and it was was warm enough that I had to TAKE OFF MY JACKET which is UNPRECEDENTED. Then I went to the library and browsed my little heart out read fun books until closing time. Then I came home, had some Top Ramen dinner times, watched the end of various movies on TV, had my evening hot chocolate delight, and am now settling in bed for my night time internet and book reading times. SUCH A GOOD DAY. I feel like such a rebel for not going to the studio but shoot, girlfriend needed a break. |
Also check out this awesomeness I found in the free box the other day ! It is like one of those date stampers but it is nine digits long and has all numbers and LETTERS on it so I think I'm going to use it to stamp my brand name into books that I make? |
Here is a picture of the awesomely rooted tree I found on my walk:
isn't that awesome? I wanted to go crawl up in there and have it be my little house. then i realized that would be weird. | | | | | | | | | \ | | |
Your day sounded heavenly. I might have to make some hot chocolate in your honor. Also to drown my tears that Kat Deely didn't win the Emmy. Stupid voters who don't realize how great she is!
wait. stop. wheat bread? who are you?
That sounds awwwwwwesome. Thanks for blogging so much, I am so excited everytime there's a new post from you.
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