Sunday, September 12, 2010

give in to the geek

Several times in the past week or so I have had these moments of such insane geekitude that I've had to pause, narrate my situation to myself, and then laugh at how pathetic my life sounds. Like when I:
-was watching Rose and the Doctor FINALLY kiss at the end of Doctor Who season 4 (on Netflix) and I had to take the puzzle board off my lap and instead clutch my NASA throw pillow as I wept silent tears of joy.

And also this one time when I:
-managed to somehow simultaneously watch an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I think it was towards the end of season 6, when things got all feelings-y and meh) whilst also reading a graphic novel-- this time, incidentally, snuggling up in bed with my Star Wars sheets.

Facts I cling to:
-I don't live in a basement
-I don't know how to even approach video games or RPGs or any of that shiz, so at least that realm of geekery is closed to me (although in my head when I hear "RPG" I do think of 'role playing game' before I think 'rocket propelled grenade,' so I only get like half credit on this one)
-I have spoken to real live human peers, of BOTH genders, at least once within the past fortnight (but the first period-of-time word that came to mind was seriously 'fortnight,' so again, ...shoot.)


Snoopy said...

Ahh Katy te quiero and why were we not better friends this last year?! :( sometimes I have moments very much like those... haha

Becca said...

Dude, just YESTERDAY "RPG" came up and I thought of "rocket propelled grenade" and Kyle thought of "role playing game" which I think proves that he really IS a geek. And I'm a warmonger.

Jennifer Ricks said...

Hey! Don't dis basements! :)

Rachel said...

I just thought you should know that you are perhaps the coolest person I have ever known.

Christy said...

But it wasn't YOUR NASA pillow.

Karen said...

"Fortnight" is very specific and meaningful--We can't help it if pop culture doesn't care to be exact in language.....

mateicho1 said...

i am so jealous of your geekitude. BYU is trying to get me to be uber-scholarly and my body is resisting by trying to get 14 hours of sleep a night.