Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lots of random things because I finally downloaded pictures from my camera

So um I finally uploaded pictures form my camera to my computer for perhaps the first time in the past 3 months, so I have a lot of random shiz pictures which I will now display for you all regardless of um merit or purpose or worth.


This is at the Scottish games with Christy when we were wandering around the vendor booths and wanted to discreetly take a picture of the kilted-out policeman in the background. We decided in the end that he was really a policeman, not just some crazy costume man.(notice the cute shirt Christy is wearing; I think I would call it her Official Shirt of Summer 2010--what say you, Chris?)

This is me and Lucy and Mom and Dad at the Scottish Games. I realize that my eyes are opened too wide or something so I look weird, but I like Dad's smile so I am putting it up anyway.

This is when Mom decided it was finally time to paint the last wall of her kindergarten classroom:
The cabinets she's standing on are, what, like 8 ft. tall? Anyway, tall enough that when I had to get up there I literally thought I was going to die. I am using "literally" advisedly and in its true sense.

This one time Dad and I were on a walk in the hills by our house and we found a snake skin but it at first looked like a snake so this is Dad reenacting the freaked-out face he did when he thought he was about to step on a snake:This is his more sedate posture after recovering his manly equilibrium:

Sometime this summer Lucy decided that it was fun to take pictures on my camera, especially in the car. Therefore, I have several dozen pictures like these:
I'm not sure if I will ever have the heart to erase them.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yeah pics! I love the ones of Dad on your hike. Funny.