Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kindergarten Cop

I'll come right out and say it--my favorite thing about the first few days of school in Mom's Kindergarten class is recess, because I get to regulate the scooter line. The kids are new to the whole line-up-if-you-want-to-ride-a-scooter paradigm, and find the concept of go-once-around-the-track-and-then-hand-your-scooter-to-the-next-kid, for the most part, utterly baffling. So I get to sit there and say HEY YOU KID COME BACK HERE AND GIVE YOUR SCOOTER TO JOJO WHO WAS WAITING FOR IT and then DUDE JOJO DON'T JUST STAND THERE COME GET YOUR SCOOTER and then GOOD JOB JOJO YOU HAVE MASTERED THE USE OF A TWO WHEELED TRANSPORTATION DEVISE NOW GET GOING and. . . and so forth.


Kyle said...


Christy said...

Awesome. I love having power over little kids.

Anna said...

haha. I wish I could see you... and the look on poor little Jojo's face. :)