Friday, August 20, 2010

fun friday times

Have you ever seen a giant bearded magical wish-granting starfish? If your answer is no than you OBVIOUSLY have never watched whatever Princess Stories DVD I am watching with Lucy right now. Right now we are learning that you can make your own dreams come true, WITHOUT the services of said magical wish granting starfish because it turns out he is NOT magical at all you guys. We kind of glossed over that though-if I were Ariel or Gabrielle, her new deaf mermaid friend , I would maybe have been like Dude, Magical Beardy Starfish what is UP? before taking the moment to think how I can have the power to dare to dance/sing (respectively) all by myself. ANYway. Time to go tune out these princess pearls of wisdom by making COOKIES. Woo!

UPDATE as per Amanda's request: The deaf mermaid friend knows sign language, and has an octopus-type friend who interprets for her. And like all mermaids, her beauty defies description.


Rachel said...

Why are you so awesome. I miss you.

amanda said...

Ariel, the mermaid, has a deaf mermaid friend. I would like the title of this movie because I really want to know how she communicates. Also is deaf mermaid friend pretty?