Thursday, May 20, 2010

An Idiosynchratic Lexical Dilemma:

At some point in the vague past shrouded in mystery I accidentally trained myself to respond to "Thank you" with "No sweat." --um, WEIRD? Kind of. Most of the time I don't notice that that's what I say and it's not an issue, but in certian situations (like when talkign to my boss) she'll be telling me something to do and I say Okay sure and she says Thank you and I say...No sweat? I dunno, it just seems weird. And then I'm left like the awkward person in a movie muttering to myself as the other person walks away, " 'No sweat'? Seriously? Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid...."


Anna said...

This is where Craig turns around and in THAT voice of his, quotes Brian Regan saying:

"Take... luck! Take luck and care. Take... care of the luck! Good luck taking care of the, the luck that you might have, if you have luck, take it, and care for it. Take-luck-care-of-in-it -- when you take all care of AAARRGGG!"

Doesn't exactly apply, but I don't think it ever really did when he said it.

Hope you're having a great day! :)

Karen said...

I like it when you say "ABSOLUTELY!" like you really mean it. Always makes me feel heard...

Emma said...
