This just in: Just because you get one crap thing over with (honors thesis woo) that does not mean that other crap things also are over with (grad school/scholarship applications, the certainty of failure looming at every turn)! Woo! You guys, I am learning SO MUCH about life right now can you tell? Hey but you know what else I am learning?:

I am learning that Errol Flynn had a seriously nice mustache. Good heavens. Also I am learning that he can pull off a V-neck in a way that most V-neck-wearing-males ought to envy. Shoot.
you are beautiful.
Don't worry, the sun is shining.
Oh, shoot! No, it's actually snowing outside. Nevermind. The only thing we can do now for happiness is make cookies.
oh yes. what a stache and v-neck beauty.
Methuselah, I love you.
Isn't life wonderful? So full of learning. all the time.
Shoot dog! That pwnstache is the envy of the nation! And of all the BYU kids I keep seeing with their poser pwnstaches. Guys, the mustache is not coming back, unless you can look like Errol Flynn, in which case, go for it.
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