Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Weekend

I was planning to linger over this post to fill the long empty hours, but my BBBFF (book binding bff) Emily just got here so I'mna throw y'all some pictures and call it good.

 Saturday morning I went for a lovely walk while all of my places were being cleaned. Because there was snow and ice residue I didn't go on my nice river trail :(  But instead I walked up an down a lot of residential streets I had never looked at before, so that was nice. Here are some pictures I took:

Today it decided to finally snow all the snow that we were expecting to have yesterday, so walking home from the studio it was crazy town in a way that these pictures don't really capture very well:

Then I tried to take a picture of myself and it went...okay.  At least it gives you a better idea about the amount of snow that was snowing directly into my face.  It was pretty ridiculous.

The end!


kate said...

katy you're the coolest! I love your bookbinding adventure blog posts. and your jacket!

Becca said...

Cute picture@

Christy said...

love the pics-especially seeing your cute face again.I miss you SO MUCH.

Kaity said...

i can't wait until you are in utah. just one more long week. i can't wait to see all your books and to show you all my yarns