Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday: The Thursdaying

This is what it looks like when I am at my bench and I turn my head slightly to the left.  In the early morning it's crazy because the sun comes in that window SO BRIGHT and you get blinded by the reflection off the plexiglass press boards and you can see all the particles of dust form sanding and every uneven bit of whatever you're working on,  which is kind of a drag really :)  But it's nice, and I like seeing the mountains and the big BOOKBINDING decal on the window.  
So.  Today was kind of silly really.  Remember how yesterday I was all crazy town planning the order of operations today to get everything shoehorned in?  The funny thing is that in that projection of the future I failed to account for the fact that there are OTHER PEOPLE in the class.  SHOOT.  So, I got went in early (at like 8:20)  and got Book #2 glued up and in the press....and then basically sat around until noon.  Then Don told us about paste downs, so I did those....and then hung around.  Then he came over and showed Susan and I the new way of doing headbands, and it was 5 o'clock and like go home time.  So, what I did today: Book#3 headbands, Book #1 paste downs, Book#2 filler and paste downs.  PS a 'paste down' is the pretty paper that you glue to the inside covers of a book, to cover all the parts where the leather and paper on the cover wrap around.  So, what is left for Books #1 and #2 are the fly leaves, which is the pretty paper that you glue down to the first and last sheet of a book.  So seriously, only the gluing down of 4 pieces of paper stand between me and the total completion of 2 books!  Pop pop!  Book #3 obviously has a lot further to go but I have made peace with finishing him at home. I think it will be good even to have a project that I'm already in the middle of to finish off at home. It will be like christening my little home studio, doing the first real fancy fine binding in it.  So.  I think I'm right where I want to be--I have enough to do tomorrow that it won't be just stupid, but not so much that I'm stressed or worried.  I've had a really good time here, and I'm incredibly happy that I came back for these two weeks, but I'm also excited to go home and have more fun at home times!


Celia said...

I hope your return home doesn't mean and end to blogging. I just enjoy reading about your day so much!

Becca said...

Seriously, Katy. Even if you've just held babies all day, we want to hear about it.

Karen said...

Hey you! my internet is finally back up--after both Christy and Danny did magic. I am so happy to get to here about your day. I'll be so happy to see you in YOUR studio! Glad Book #3 will be completed here. :)