Wednesday, July 7, 2010

World Cup Anxiety

Do not let the title fool you--I have NO doubt or anxiety regarding the impending victory of my beloved Espana. But what DOES make me anxious is the fact that their game against Germany is happening this afternoon while I am at work. I have decided against watching it with online streaming, because while games are ALWAYS better live, if I watching it secretively at work I will have to restrain all of my shrieks and also try to conceal the fact that I am watching it which will inevitably result in missing large important segments of gameplay. So my solution is to go watch it taped with Christy and Danny (etc) after work, but in THAT case I am already having to construct a list of internet places where I dare not venture: Facebook, Drudge Report, pretty much ANY IE homepage with a newsfeed is going to be a very boring afternoon after that game ends, my friends. If I were like 2% gutsier I would have just called in sick today. . . maybe I could develop a deadly virus, say, noon-ish?

Wow you guys I was trying to cook up a David Villa photo montage down here, let's be honest, mostly for my OWN viewing pleasure, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that for the athletic hero type perhaps motion picture is a better artistic style than still life? Sop maybe cancel that poster order Becca, is what I am trying to say (unless it is already in the mail for my birthday in which case you know this was all lies and I obviously would be thrilled to plaster David Villa all over every exposed inch of wall or ceiling space available to me, DUH.)


Rachel said...

Uh, Katy, sorry to break it to you, but your beloved Espana is going to get it's trash kicked by my beloved Deutschland! WHOO! Also, if you want to watch the game, quit your job and apparate to Provo and "check out books" from me...aka watch the game on the plasma screen right across from my desk.

Becca said...

Ok, funny, because as I was google-image-searching David Villa for a picture to put on your facebook wall, I too discovered that his splendor just isn't captured in a still frame. So I already decided against the David Villa Poster Birthday Present.

I will try SO HARD to not text you insane things about this insane game. I am concerned but confident. Ok that doesn't work. I'm not confident. I'm scared. I'm really worried about Espana. BUT I will be watching it with bated breath, probably with mini-bagel-dog breath actually, all by myself in my apartment. I wish you were here to gasp with me.

Katy said...

Uh-oh Rachel it looks like we are in a fight. Also shoot I cannot imagine watching that game in a library where you have to be quiet! That is CRAZY.

Anna said...

And guess who won?!?!?!?!?! :)

Kaity said...

I really hope that espana's sports channel is called ESPaNa. if not...oversight of the century.

Jon said...

Hope you're pleased, Katy. Villa's soul patch is the most (or should I say, only) interesting thing about Spain. I blame the loss on Paul the Octopus. Now excuse me as I weep softly into the late night hours.

Karen said...

Que viva Espana! (Sorry Danny)