Thursday, June 3, 2010

wallpaper tour

So this might be weird, but one of my favorite things about Gramma's house is the awesome 60s style that it has maintained over the years. It is both my duty and pleasure to share some of the majesty with my dear blog-reading chums, in the form of a brief wallpaper tour. This is the Upstairs edition; the light was bad downstairs when I had my camera out and the metallics in the living room really deserve better. Without further ado, I give you:

My bathroom!I think I put the towel bar in the shot to give it perspective, and then forgot to rotate it...just, just move on.
My bedroom!

Feel free to glory in its citrus stripy-ness. I certainly do.

And, lastly, my ultimate favorite:

This is the paper in another of the bedrooms, which happens to be the room that Becca and I shared when we were in the middle of moving from Pleasant Hill to Concord, when I was like 14. It is SO GREAT.


Christy said...

Awesome idea-that wallpaper needs to be immortalized.

amanda said...

thank you for directing me onward because I did linger, forever. and the stripes are my fav.

Kylie McQ said...


Kaity said...

oh we like this.