Thursday, October 30, 2008

A faux-Welsh dialogue

A- Oes corrachiau byw yn y coed?
B- Nag oes. Pam mae cuestion gyda i ti?
A- Dw i'n eisiau byw yn y coed, ond dw i ddim yn eisiau bwy (with) corrachiau. Mae corrachiau (stink).
B- Twp. Mae corrachiau (are awesome). Wyt ti'n (lame).
A- Wyt TI'n twp! Dw i'n y llyfrawr. Wyt ti'n (dead).
B- Nag ydw! Mae (sword) gyda fi. Wyt TI'n (dead)!
A-Dw i'n beth. (dies)
(enter corrachiau)
C- Da iawn!!

This is how I entertained myself in Welsh today. I realize that only about 20% of my readership will understand the Welsh (that's you, Becca), but that's okay, because I made up most of it anyway. Fun words to know: llyfrawr= sorcerer, twp=fool, corrachiau=dwarves, and 'da iawn'=well done.


~Lara from the Sahara said...

aha yaa im officially confused i mean i can barely understand english let alone welsh....

Uberpsycho Tom said...

This is why I stick with Icelandic

A:Talarthu ensku?

B: Nei eg talar bara donsku og islensku

(Though the real characters I can't find at least they're are vowels,in normal terms the th would be a character that looks like a P and an I)

Still at least I can understand the odd fascination with something none of us are related to.

Scotty said...

I don't understand a word of course, but I imagine that Welsh is the language of the elves in middle earth and spoken only in whispers or in dreams.

I think I may be on a Lord of the Rings kick-- unfortunately I have no time to watch such things. :(

Karen said...

Your readership is larger than you think. And only Bec reads Welsh--so that makes me think that only about .001% understands! I wish I read Welsh. I did teach all the D2 Penguins how to say hello in Welsh and we ALL said to to answer the roll on Thursday. So I am doing my part to keep it going!

Becca said...

Gwell llaeth Cymru na chwrw Lloegr!

All that dialogue needs is a morgi! Or perhaps...morgoon?

And I love the thought of Mom's students all saying "S'mae!" every morning. It warms my heart.

Alan said...

I'd live in there with him. He seems so jolly!